Officers for 2024-2025

President - Treese Pflum
VP Facilities - Janna Calkins and Judi Moran
VP Programs - Judy Q Block and Cheryl Taylor
VP Opportunity Quilt - Alena Callimanis and Suzanne Woodward
Treasurer - Pat Siegel
Secretary - Nadine Gilfillan
Membership - Kathy Clewell
Parliamentarian - Carmen Goldstein
Philanthropy - Hilda Koning-Bastiaan and Sarah Bush
Tony DeZego and Mrs President gave a fun and lighthearted installation.  Their presentation of the Tony DeZego Memorial Seam Rippers was wonderful. Check out the photos from the installation. 

Committee Chairs

Historian -- Robert Tucker

Sew What Table -- Stephanie Beasley and Marcia Ulrich

Email Blasts -- Debbie Carran and Erika Echols

Block of the Month -- Kathy Pratt and Cheryl Taylor

Facebook -- Robert Tucker

Zoom -- Annie Houston

Website -- Kathleen Herring

Congratulations to the Officers for July 2024 to June 2025!

To contact any of the officers, send an email to