Friendship Groups


Check out the following groups and plan to come to at least one of them.  It is a great way to make friends, learn about the guild, work on your own projects, or select a group that makes quilts to donate to wonderful organizations.  The photos below are from our Friendship Group Fair, June 2018.


*Deep Canyon Tennis Club Quilters, (Residents Only)

      Kristin Foster (760) 574-2272  

      November through April, Thursdays 1:00-3:00 pm


*Quilting for Good Times, Indio

      Jer Williams (760) 565-6443

      Linda Blake (760) 218-5350

      Indio Senior Center, 45700 Aladdin St., Indio 92201

      Work on child quilts for Camp Ronald McDonald

      Wednesdays, 1:00 – 4:00 pm


Sun City Quilters, Sun City, Palm Desert (Residents only)


April Powell (714) 357-0813


 “Quilt room”          

Wednesdays and Fridays 10:00am -- 4:00pm

Stitches for Kids


Linda Jones (760) 347-1050

Sandy Fleming (760) 777-3170

Natalie Shonerd (760) 668-5162


Indio Senior Center, 45700 Aladdin St., Indio 92201


Tuesdays, 8:00 am-11:00 am


(Annual Membership to Indio Senior Center required $25 for Indio residents, $35 for others)


 Dedicated to making quilts for the New Life program at the CV Rescue Mission, and the Olive Crest which serves foster children.

Quilting for Good Times, La Quinta


Jer Williams, (760) 565-6443

Linda Blake (760) 218-5350


La Quinta Wellness Center, 78450 Avenida La Fonda, La Quinta 92253


Thursdays, 1:00 - 3:00pm


Work on child quilts for Camp Ronald McDonald


Quilting Bee Show and Share


Linda Blake (760) 218-5350


Indio Senior Center, 45700 Aladdin St., Indio 92201


Mondays, 9:00 am


Work on Child quilts for Camp Ronald McDonald Projects and Quilts of Valor

PS Quilt Group


Paul Reiss (760) 774-3378


HOA #9 Club House, West Gate,  Cathedral Canyon Country Club, Palm Springs, CA


Every other Wednesday 10:30am - 3:30pm


Contact Paul Reiss for more directions.

Needles & Pins

Sun City Shadow Hills,


Cheri Stewart (909) 744-2653

Barbara Young (909) 260-7165


 Montecito Clubhouse, Cambria/Miranda Rooms


Mondays, 12:30-5:00 pm, All Hand and/or machine Needle Arts

Wednesdays, 9:00 am- 12:30 pm, All Hand and/or machine Needle Arts

Sundays, 9:00-5:00 pm, All Hand and/or machine Needle Arts


(Guild members can join group as a guest of a N&P member)

Lunch Bunch Quilt Group,


Jer Williams (760) 565-6443

Leslie Herbst (818) 355-2671


Joslyn Senior Center, 73750 Catalina Way, Palm Desert 92260


Tuesdays, 9:00- Noon


Quilting, needlework, knitting Projects; Philanthropy, special projects

Lunch Bunch -- Feb 13, 2025

For years, Jer Williams has been making dog beds stuffed with scraps collected by members of The Lunch Bunch Friendship Group. Borrowing an idea from Needles & Pins, the 20 or so Lunch Bunch members present decided to set aside one weekly session for a group dogbed production day. 11 beds were completed that morning, and Jer finished another 10 over the following 2 weeks. On 2/13, 4 of us delivered these, plus some cat privacy curtains and other supplies to the Palm Springs Animal Shelter, the area's only public no-kill shelter, where we got heartfelt thanks, and a behind-the-scenes tour of the shelter. Many agreed to repeat this day periodically. 

Stitches For Kids -- Indio

October 2024

Olive Crest is delighted to see Natalie come with so many quilts.  Last year we made and donated over 600 quilts to Olive Crest who serve foster children and Coachella Valley Rescue Mssion New Life program.
Our Stitches group comes together every Tuesday from 8:00 to 11:00 at Indio Senior Center.
Each week we hold our show & share at the Indio Senior Center Stitches group in a quilt turning fashion, one quilt stack upon another with everyone gathered around for viewing pleasure.   
This summer we had a surprise challenge.  We each took a bag with an unknown panel and each participant was challenged to complete a 40” x 60” child’s quilt.
Retired teacher Dorothy made the cutest school bus.  Margarita sewed a “Let’s Get Outdoor” quilt, Peggy pieced an alphabet quilt, Natalie made the cutest  placemats, Terry enjoyed sewing her “Life is Better in a Tutu” quilt, Elida and Linda also made alphabet quilts, Nora had fun sewing her “ Benjie Engie” train quilt, Ruth added bumble bees to her Bee Happy quilt, Gloria helped with the Circus lion. Sandy received lots of Ooos and Awws for her “The Circus” quilt.


October 2023

Stitches for Kids celebrated their 20th anniversary this week. These quilts, all made in October, brought their total quilts donated for 20 years to a little more than 6500.What an amazing number, quilters!! Thank you for your time and effort.

Quilting For Good Times, La Quinta

Elizabeth and Linda from the friendship groups Quilting for Good Times at Indio Senior Center and La Quinta Wellness Center went to Camp Ronald McDonald in Idyllwild and presented 5 quilts to children who were there.  Program Director Shannon was delighted to receive the donation of quilts and Elizabeth and Linda were treated to lunch. September 2023

Dolores Abelardo and Linda Blake from the friendship group Quilting For Good Times, La Quinta went to Camp Ronald McDonald Camp in the Idyllwild area and gave 5 quilt to the new campers. It has been almost 4 years since they were able to return. 
The friendship group in La Quinta was very excited to return and Camp Ronald McDonald was happy to see them. 

Stitches for Kids!

Patricia Page and Beth Irish delivered quilts made by our Friendship Group Stitches for Kids to Olive Crest On Friday, March 12.  What a fantastic job this group is doing!

The Corona virus may have stopped many things but it hasn't stopped members of Stitches For Kids from producing some amazing quilts for Olive Crest so far this summer.  "Stitching From Home" -- as Patricia Page puts it -- the groups members have produced 58 quilts!  The photos above are just some of what they have done.  What a wonderful job, ladies!

Over 200 quilts to Olive Crest!


Stitches for Kids Friendship Group, Deep Canyon Friendship Group, Rancho Casa Blanca Quilt Club (Indio) and the Coachella Valley Quilt Guild worked together to donate over 200 quilts to the children and families at Olive Crest.  These quilts were presented during a spring event and put smiles on the faces of children and families whole receive support through Olive Crest.  Pictured above are guild members Patricia Page and Natalie Shonerd who delivered the quilts to Olive Crest.  Thank you to all those who helped in this endeavor.

In December 2018, Patricia Page from our friendship group, Stitches for Kids, delivered 22 quilts to Olive Crest.  Stitches for Kids donated close to 200 quilts to this organization in 2018!!  What a wonderful job they are doing!

First there was the material donation!

Then there were the quilts which were headed to either Olive Crest or the Rescue Mission. For 2019, Stitches for Kids have donated 481quilts to these two organizations -- 368 to Olive Crest and 113 to the Rescue Mission.

By the end of January 2020, Stitches for Kids were delivering 24 quilts to Olive Crest.  A great start to the year!

29 More Quilts from Stitches For Kids!

Stitches For Kids have been at it again.  They delivered 38 quilts to Olive Crest at the end of January. Great job, ladies!

And there was more by Stitches For Kids!

Linda Jones delivered these quilts to Olive Crest on behalf of the Friendship Group, Stitches For Kids.  A big thank you to all the ladies in that group -- Stella, Suzanne, Nora, Beth, Eleda, Ruth, Linda and of course their leader Pat Page.  What a wonderful job you are doing!

Tatyanna, from Olive Crest accepted 30 quilts from Stitches for Kids.  The group has been very busy.  They even made the table topper Tatyanna is holding for Olive Crest's office manager, Angela Allen.  The table topper and quilt on the right were made from a donation of fabrics from Joy Rasmussen (Angela's mother). Joy was a CVQG guild member.

Stitches for Kids -- on KESQ TV!

When Stitches for Kids dropped off 39 quilts at Olive Crest the other day they ended up on television on KESQ.  Olive Crest is a non-profit organization in the Coachella Valley that ensures every child has a safe and loving home.  To view the televised segment click here.  Thank you Stitches for Kids for helping to promote the art of quilting.  Keep up the wonderful work.

44 more quilts off to Olive Crest! -- September 2021

Ronald McDonald Camp


Mary French and Linda Blake, members of our Friendship Group Quilting for Good Times, La Quinta, went to Ronald McD Camp in Idyllwild and gave away 7 Quilts. (5 to children and 2 to the Nurses) Chad, the camp director, accepted them on their behalf. They had a very rewarding day. The families were very appreciative and gave them many hugs. 

Friendship Groups News

Stitches for Kids

Veteran and Stitches for Kids member, Joyce Olsen, received her Quilt of Valor at a recent luncheon.  Her son joined her for this wonderful recognition of her service to our country.

Stitches for Kids quilters delivered quilts to Olive Crest for foster children.

Stitches for Kids donated this quilt to the Friends of the Indios Senior Center for their craft fair to be held on November 2.  This friendship group meets at the Indio Senior Center on Tuesdays.  

Stitches For Kids Are Doing It Again!


Patricia Page and Stitches For Kids delivered 27 quilts to Olive Crest and 26 quilts to Rescue Mission.  They are doing amazing work.  Thank you for all that you do for our local community!

Stitches for Kids are at it again -- or should I say continue to be at it.  Once again in June and July they presented quilts to Olive Crest here in the valley.  Well done, ladies!

Stitches for Kids have made two more deliveries to Olive Crest by November.  They have donated over 350 quilts this year.  They are very busy ladies!

Quilts of Valor Presentation at Hemet Quilt Show

Stella and Linda represented our friendship group Stitches for Kids when the Quilt of Valor the group had made was presented to veteran Gordon Best at the Hemet Quilt Show in February 2019.   Gordon Best was in the US Army during Korea.  He said they were the coldest winters he ever spent while serving there.  His wife brought him and he was totally surprised with the award.  His wife told Rose Rhoads, Quilts of Valor organizer, Saturday that when she got home from the show (she was a member of the Hemet guild and was helping) that Gordon had the quilt spread out on his bed admiring it.  She could have made him a QOV herself, but it always seems that when the quilt comes from the QOV organization, it seems more significant. 


Congratulations to Stitches for Kids for a beautiful quilt and thank you to Gordon for his service during the Korean War.

Quilt of Valor Presentation by Quilting Bee Show and Share Friendship Group

Our Friendship Group, Quilting Bee Show and Share, Indio, presented a Quilt of Valor to David French in October 2018.  David is the son of Mary French, a member of Quilting Bee and the guild.  Thank you, David, for your service to us and your country.  Enjoy the quilt!

Sun City Palm Desert Quilters'

Quilts of Valor Presentation

In February, the guild’s friendship group Sun City Palm Desert Quilters present four Quilts of Valor at the Palm Springs Air Museum.  This presentation was part of their goal to give quilts to local organizations and to military related services.


The first Quilt of Valor was presented to Charles Pettit who served as an anti-aircraft gunner with the US Army 514th Battalion in Hawaii and Okinawa from 1943 to 1946.


Peter D. Behenna received the second Quilt of Valor for his service from 1943 to 1946 with the US Navy Seabees as a coxswain.  He worked with the 142nd Naval Construction Battalion, the 5th Marine Division, 32nd Special Naval Construction and motor transport.


The third Quilt of Valor went to Robert D. Chapman who served in the US Navy as a signalman from 1943 to 1946.  He was stationed on PT boats in the Pacific and as a signal tower operator in the Solomon Islands.


Lt. Col. Blaine L. Mack, USAF Retired, was a P-38 pilot with the 11th Fighter Squadron in the US Army Air Forces during WWII.  He also served in Korea as a F-86 fighter pilot and during the Cold War as a B-47 and B-52 pilot.  Lt. Col. Mack received the fourth Quilt of Valor at the presentation.


All four of these gentlemen are volunteers at the Palm Springs Air Museum.


Thank you all for your service to our country and for giving your time at the Air Museum so others will know the history you have seen.