Welcome to the Coachella Valley Quilt Guild

Our Purpose

Guild Meetings

Centrally located in the beautiful Coachella Valley of Southern California.  The Guild shall be a non profit organization established to promote appreciation of quilting, to share and to uphold the heritage of a timeless folk art, and to further the education and skill levels of the members of the guild.

2025 Opportunity Quilt

Whimsical Leaves


Inspired by Pinterest Nancy Lou and Carole Gold's Quilted Art


Pieced and Appliquéd by Paul Reiss

Quilted by Treese Pflum


Winning ticket will be drawn Saturday, December 13, 2025.


Second Saturday of the month


Check out our Hybrid (In person and Zoom at the same time) meetings!


Meeting Times:

10AM to Noon

Doors open at 9:30AM


Membership:  2025 membership is $35 and includes 2 books of raffle tickets for Whimsical Leaves. Click here to join.

Guests are welcome at all meetings:  $10.00 guest fee




 We are holding hybrid meetings -- in person at UCR and Zoom January to May and September to November.

June, July, and August are Zoom only.


University of California, Riverside

Palm Desert Campus

Auditorium Building

75080 Frank Sinatra Drive

Palm Desert, CA  92211


For Directions Click Here

Like us on Facebook.  Check out the guild's Facebook page and know what is happening.  Click here.

Or check us out on Instagram.

Proposed By-law changes!

These are the changes of the By-laws that will be voted on at the March meeting.

Please read through them by downloading the file.

2025 Bylaw Proposed Changes
Coachella Valley Quilt Bi Laws 2025.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 132.6 KB

March Meeting -- Saturday, March 8, 2025

David Owen Hastings


Indigo Dyeing In Japan


Hybrid Meeting -- Speaker In-Person

Meeting starts at 10:00am 

Program starts at 11:00am


In this talk, David Owen Hastings explores how his love of Japanese culture, travel, textiles and “blue and white” came together in a fantastic journey to Japan. In this textile talk, he takes you virtually with him to an indigo dyeing workshop in the country near Mt. Fuji. He explores two kinds of Japanese indigo dyeing processes that use resist: katazome (paste resist dyeing using stencils) and shibori (bound or stitch resist dyeing). He’ll talk about how his particular modern design approach is influenced by Japan, and how he likes to incorporate these traditional fabrics into modern quilt compositions.

David will also give a virtual trunk show of my work, including an indigo-inspired quilt that he designed, as well as paper-based stitched artwork that he created by dyeing paper in indigo using shibori techniques. 




March 8 -- David Owen Hastings Lecture guest Fee


  • Available
  • Ships within 1-3 days

March Workshop -- Sunday, March 9, 2025

David Owen Hastings




In person class at UCR Palm Desert 

9am -- 4pm (6hrs w/ 30 minute lunch)


From classic kimonos to denim jeans, indigo has been used by many cultures for dyeing cloth, and the Japanese have refined the use of indigo to an art form. This is the class to use all those lovely blue and white shibori fabrics you’ve dyed yourself, or use carefully curated blue and white fabrics from your stash.

Each participant will develop a simple geometric block design based on unfolded origami shapes, set a theme and create variations, and combine them into the beginning of a fresh and modern mini quilt top.

We will start out by stitching practice blocks from blue and white paper, to explore composition using minimal, modern shapes inspired by origami. A PDF will be supplied with blue and white images of fabric, which you can print at home or at a local copy center.

We’ll then translate our ideas to fabric, and I will demonstrate simple pattern making using cereal box cardboard. You will choose between three possible modern designs for your blue + white quilt top.

If you don’t have any Japanese-inspired blue and white fabric already, David recommends purchasing vintage Japanese yukata cotton fabric from OkanArts.com, where they have specially curated 3-yard packs available for your project. Please stick to the blue and white theme. You will want to have some solid dark blues plus some whites/creams to blend with the patterned fabrics.

NOTE: Paid students will receive an email after signing up that is known as the PDF Paper Kit which needs to be printed off on quality laser paper -- single sided -- prior to the workshop.


CLASS FULL. Waitlist available. Please email us at programscvqg@gmail.com with your request to be on the waitlist. (no payment at the time of request, you will be contacted if space becomes available. Cost of the class is $75 if you get in.)



Members' entries

Riverside County Date Festival -- Feb 13 to Mar 2

Spring Fling Shop Hop

March 6, 7, and 8th, 2025

Four Great Shops to Visit!!


Quilter's Faire -- Palm Desert

Trish Tac Sew -- Palm Desert

Cotton Gin -- Redlands

Between Stitches -- Temecula

More information at springflingquiltrun.com

Lunch Bunch -- Friendship Group

For years, Jer Williams has been making dog beds stuffed with scraps collected by members of The Lunch Bunch Friendship Group. Borrowing an idea from Needles & Pins, the 20 or so Lunch Bunch members present decided to set aside one weekly session for a group dogbed production day. 11 beds were completed that morning, and Jer finished another 10 over the following 2 weeks. On 2/13, 4 of us delivered these, plus some cat privacy curtains and other supplies to the Palm Springs Animal Shelter, the area's only public no-kill shelter, where we got heartfelt thanks, and a behind-the-scenes tour of the shelter. Many agreed to repeat this day periodically. 

Join other Guild Members on a Bus Trip!!

Our Bus Trip to Hoffman Fabrics of California Hoffman Tour/Lunch/ M&L Fabrics will be Wednesday, April 16th, 2025. We will be on a 56 passenger motorcoach with apple seating, storage and rest room on board. 
First stop, Hoffman Fabrics in Mission Viejo, next stop in Anaheim at Bucca de Beppo Italian restaurant.  Last stop M&L Fabrics!! Every Quilter’s dream… 1000’s of top name fabrics, and amazing flat fold area Kauffman, Riley Blake, etc flat folds at $3.98yd

As a reminder with your limit of 35, (set by Hoffman Fabrics, to keep the tour manageable for their warehouse).we will be charging $82.50/pp members/ $85.00pp for non-members (includes tax and 15% tip). We will have website signups and at the Programs Table in March. We will take 35 paid attendees and then offer a small waitlist.

Lunch and Shopping on your own, we will provide bottled water and snacks for the trip. Games and prizes!! 

April 16 -- Hoffman/M&L Tour -- Member


  • Available
  • Ships within 1-3 days

April 16 -- Hoffman/M&L Tour -- Non- Member


  • Available
  • Ships within 1-3 days
Hoffman Fabrics and M&L Fabrics Bus Trip Flyer
BusTourFlyer .png.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 388.1 KB




Want to read what the guild has been up to in 2024?  Click here or go to Year In Review button in the menu.

Saturday, March 1

What a great day we had this past Saturday.  For the second time our Quilt Guild and the Knitting Guild held a joint event!  We had at least 3 members working with bruised ribs, a broken clavicle and other injuries. 

With the help of our 29 volunteers we opened the doors at 9:00 a.m.  Our greeter,  Kathy Pratt, signed in 107 people (including our 29 helpers).  She collected canned goods and $120 in donations for the Joslyn Center.

Our crew that manned the tables:  JudyQ Block, Linda Perotto, Mimi Rivera, Kim Johnson, Holli Hainer, Sharon Lubetsky, Marcia Ulrich, Harriette Griffeth, Jackie Mason, Lizette Dalquie, Linda Bucknam, Cheryl Quesnell, Kashmir Dhillon,  Dolores Abelardo, Tony DeZego and Brian Brown, Cathleen Jolley, Sylvia Moore, and Bonnie Paul  sold $3,302.75 in fabric, notions, books, patterns, furniture and machines.

Our Check-Out team, Leslie Herbst,  Kathleen Herring, Kim Carlson, Treese Pflum, Janna Calkins,  Pat Siegel, Kate Baron and Cheryl Taylor not only weighed fabric, tallied and collected for purchases, but processed gift certificates and volunteer discounts.

Our sincere thanks to Tony DeZego and Brian Brown, Cathleen and Cliff Jolley, Treese Pflum and Joe Dunlap, Holly Hainer, Kashmir Dhillon, Sharon Lubetsky and Kim Carlson for helping us load, and unload, the truck. 

Several of our volunteers “floated” during the event, filling in as needed.   

Alex, Rodney and Art from the Joslyn, went above and beyond, setting up tables and accommodating last minute changes and even helping to unload (and load) the truck!

Add the $6,563.41 from the December 2024 event and the $3,302.75 from this SWT, we have collected $9,866.16 for the current fiscal year.  We will have one more SWT in the current fiscal year.

A Sew What Table has many people behind the scenes, rolling, tying, pricing, sorting, collecting donations, etc.  Special thanks to Kim and Rose!  Marcia and I thank all of you.  If I missed anyone's name, I apologize.

Thank you all!

Stephanie Beasley

Marcia Ulrich

Friendship Groups

There are a number of Friendship Groups that are associated with the guild that meet on a regular basis.  If you are interested in learning more click here.

Interested in learning more in the area of quilting?

Check out our upcoming classes by going to Programs 2025

Sew What Table Finds!!

The Sew What Table has received donations of one sewing machine and an embroidery module.  Pictures and whatever details we could find are on the Sew What Table page. Click here to see them. Please contact Stephanie Beasley if you're interested.



Looking for quilt shows in the Southern California area?

Click here.



Baby Quilts for first time military moms.

Please drop off at Philanthropy at the locations below.


Philanthropy Quilt Drop Off

Trish Tac Sew

Hwy 111, Palm Desert



Joselyn Senior Center


10am - 12pm  


UCR Palm Desert

Saturday, March 8, 2025  


Bring in your quilts and placemats (12" x 18") and burp cloths

and fidget quilts.

Pick up a burp cloth kit complete with instructions!

NEW Instructions on making story pillows. Go to the Philanthropy page.

(If you need another time, contact Hilda Koning-Bastiaan -- hildakb@yahoo.com)

For more information on Philanthropy Quilts click here.

Join Us For Block of the Month

Click here to go to the page to download the directions to do the Block of the Month. It is a great way to collect blocks and try something different.  Instructions for this block will be available online and due at the March meeting.

You can also turn in the February Heart block in March.  There will be two drawings for Block of the Month in March -- February block and March block.

See what members have been working on! Click here or go to PHOTOS -- Show and Share on the menu!

We Are Social
We now have an Instagram page!  If you seek quilting inspiration from Instagram from your favorite designers, you can now follow the guild too. Look for our CVQG logo for the profile picture on Instagram to find us easily. Tag us on your Instagram postings by tagging @coachellavalleyquiltguild or using the hashtag #cvqg. Don't forget we also have a Facebook page. Robert Tucker continues to run our Facebook page.   
Follow us at coachellavalleyquiltguild on Instagram and Coachella Valley Quilt Guild on Facebook.

Want to sign up for our email list?  Sign up by clicking subscribe.  SUBSCRIBE

If you or any guild member you know have won a prize at a recent quilt show, we would love to acknowledge your accomplishment.  Please send an email with a photo and details to info@cvquiltguild.org